Diamond core bits
We build premium diamond core bits from small to huge diameters. Dry or wet core bits, core drills, dry hollow drills, special drills, various drilling accessories. Try our Rocket drill ! Available core bits : from Ø10 to 700 mm. Others on demand. The sky is our limit ...
Diamond blades
We manufacture diamond blades from all sizes and all quantities for professional needs. Dry or wet cutting, whatever. Our blades are suited for cut-off petrol saws, electric saws, table saws, wall saws, floor saws. Available blades : from Ø115 to 2200 mm. Others on demand.
Diamond cup wheels
Grinding and polishing pads for all kind of machines manufacturer.
We have various diamond cup wheels dedicated to specific industrial needs. Available diameters : from 125 to 300 mm. Other diameters on demand.
Diamond wires
We supply diamond wires for ships dismantling, nuclear plants decommissioning, and other tough sawing jobsites. Whatever the thickness, whatever the diameter, we are able to deliver what you need.
Industry tools
Do you need very specific tools for your industrial activity?
With 65 years of experience in custom manufacturing of diamond tools, CARBODIAM offers customized solutions.
Since 1954, CARBODIAM is a Belgian manufacturer of Diamond Tools. We combine our know-how and expertise to meet your requirements by providing innovative and tailor-made tools.
By developing, through the years, a distribution network in more than 60 countries spread over 4 continents, our partners are permanently on call.
CARBODIAM Diamond Tools is a 1-stop flexible & efficient manufacturer & supplier of drilling, sawing & grinding innovative solutions to contractors in the construction, road industries and building material factories.
Our 40 employees from CSC, R&D departement, production & marketing teams are all focused on 1 goal : your satisfaction.
Your global solution manufacturer.
Segments shapes available
on time
Inquiries & Sales contacts
Belgium, France, Eastern Europe
Jérôme GODFROID : +32 71 87 06 20
North America, Northern Europe, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy
Karine FOURNEAU : +32 71 87 06 10
Middle East, South America, Spain, Portugal
Christopher PIRON : +32 71 87 06 12
Get a quote:
+32 71 87 76 40
Read our General Terms of Sales
& Head Office
Rue Général Mellier 27
Tel: +32 71 87 76 40
Fax: +32 71 87 92 32
1117, Budapest Hunyadi János u 9
Tel : +36 1 211 2175
Mob : +36 20 200 5050
CARBODIAM is part of the JFC DIAMOND TOOLS division alongside other prestigious European companies.